Cameron Kisch Coming Soon


Cameron Kisch | Strength and Conditioning

RWD was driving past the Cottesloe Rugby Club here in Perth, Western Australia, and spotted a bloke doing muscle ups on rings suspended from the cross bar. We slammed on the brakes and sprinted accross to have a chat. Cameron was working out with Eloise and she was doing kettle bell get ups! Epic! An outdoor gym on the pitch! Cameron will be contributing to RWD Conditioning with a subject of his choosing. So stay tuned, enjoy the photos and Join Cameron and Eloise in RWD soon!

1. Cameron Kisch | Physio/Strength and Conditioning

3. Cameron sinking ready for the swing.

5. Eloise end point - breaking the glass.

7. Cameron swinging to return, Eloise descending.

9. Cameron downwards. Eloise drives her core.

11. The Hero Shot! Great work!

2. Eloise Coyne | Personal Trainer/Yoga Teacher

4. Rings tight to the body in the dip phase.

6. Eloise returning to earth...knee first.

8. Cameron up. Eloise down, ready for the get up.

10. Cameron hollow body and Eloise powering up.

12. Cameron up and Eloise breaks the glass.